Jan Paczesny
was born in Żary (Poland) in 1985. He graduated maxima cum laude in chemistry from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, in 2009 and received his PhD in physical chemistry from the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland, in 2012 (with honours). During his studies, he was appointed as a "Researcher from abroad" at Biomedical Center in Lund, Sweden (2008). His doctoral research was focused on thin films of amphiphilic compounds and nanoparticles and their applications. He has been appointed as an adjunct assistant professor at the Department of Soft Condensed Matter and Fluids at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences in 2012. His research interests have changed towards bio-inspired functional nanomaterials.
From May 2016 to March 2018 he was a post-doc fellow in the group of Professor Bartosz Grzybowski in the IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter in Ulsan, South Korea.
"Living Materials" group was founded in January 2020.
In 2022 Jan Paczesny obtained habilitation.
The "Living materials" group (number 2) is a part of the Department of Physical Chemistry of Biological Systems at the IPC PAS since January 2020.
Photography: Tadeusz Późniak / POLITYKA
Zdjęcie z archiwum FNP / HD One
Scientific work
IV.2022 - habilitation (DSc)
I.2020 - PI at the IPC PAS.
V.2016 - III.2018 - post doc fellow at the Institute for Basic Science, Center for Soft and Living Matter, Ulsan, South Korea (group of Professor Bartosz A. Grzybowski).
since XI.2012- adjunct assistant professor (adiunkt), leader of “Bio-inspired functional nanomaterials” unit within Soft Condensed Matter group (leader Professor Robert Hołyst), Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
V.2016- III.2018 research fellow in Professor Bartosz Grzybowski group in IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter, Ulsan, South Korea
X.2013-XII.2013 visiting scholar within TOP500 Innovators program, internship in Professor Sanjay Kumar group, UC Berkeley, CA, USA
VII.2009-X.2012 PhD with Professor Robert Holyst in the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
I.2005-V.2009 research work in Professor Bernard Juskowiak group, Laboratory of Bioanalytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland
I.2008-IX.2008 “Researcher from abroad” position in Professor Bo Akerstrom group, Biomedical Centrum, Section for Infection Medicine, Lund University, Sweden
I.2008-VI.2008 research work in dr Jan Pallon group, Department of Nuclear Physics, Lund University, Sweden
VII.2013 “Challenges for Leadership in Teams”, Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
VII.2012 “Ignite”, Judge Business School, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK
IV.2012 “Enterprisers” Judge Business School, Cambridge University, Wyboston Lakes, UK
IV.2013 – Lund University, Sweden (two weeks)
XII.2010 – Ilie Murgulescu Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bucharest, Romania (one week)
VIII.2009 – Department of Molecular Biology, Gdańsk University, Poland (one week)
Reviewer for National Science Centre, Langmuir, Chemistry – A European Journal, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Applied Surface Science, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Reactive and Functional Polymers, Current Smart Materials, Colloid and Polymer Science and others.
2020-2023 leader of OPUS 2019/35/B/ST5/03229 grant, founded by National Science Center (Poland) around 300 000 $
IV.2018-I.2023 leader of SONATA BIS DEC 2017/26/E/ST4/00041 grant, founded by National Science Center (Poland) around 400 000 $
XII.2014-XII.2015 leader of INTER 74/UD/SKILLS/2014 grant founded by Foundation for Polish Science
VIII.2014-VII.2015 contractor within IMPULS grant founded by Foundation for Polish Science (leader dr Wybrańska) around 30 000 $
VII.2013-VII.2016 leader of SONATA DEC-2012/07/D/ST5/02240 grant, founded by National Science Center (Poland) around 160 000 $
VII.2013-II.2015 leader of Iuventus Plus IP2012 046572 founded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland) around 80 000 $
VII.2013-VII.2016 main contractor within OPUS grant founded by National Science Centre (leader Prof. Gregorowicz) around 250 000 $
VII.2013 travel grant from MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA, for short course “Challenges in Leadership in Teams”
X.2009-X.2013 contractor „Quantum semiconductor nanostructures for applications in biology and medicine” POIG.01.01.02-00-008/08 around 5 000 000 $
I.2012-VI.2013 leader of PRELUDIUM DEC-2011/01/N/ST5/02917 grant founded by National Science Centre around 40 000 $
XII.2009-X.2012 scholarship within Foundation for Polish Science TEAM/2008-2/2 grant (leader professor Robert Hołyst)
XII.2010-X.2012 personal grant within Sub-measure 8.2.2 Regional Innovation Strategies for PhD students from Lubuskie District DFS.VI.3361-4-37-033/10
V.2012 and VII.2012 travel grant within SKILLS program by Foundation for Polish Science (participation in workshops on intellectual properties rights in Cambridge, UK)
X.2011 travel grant British Council grant for participation in KORANET (Seoul, South Korea)
III.2011 travel grant Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker travel grant 13th JCF Frühjahrssymposium (Erlangen, Germany)
III.2010 travel grant Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker travel grant 12th JCF Frühjahrssymposium (Gottingen, Germany)
Achievements and awards
2020 Beneficiary of Matsumae International Foundation scholarship
VI.2016 Laureate of „Young Researchers of IPC PAS 2016” competition
IV.2016 Gold medal and special prize by Korea Invention Promotion Association 44th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneve
IX.2015 Awarded three years scholarship for Outstanding Young Researchers by Ministry of Science and Higher Education
V.2015 Recipient of START 2015 scholarship awarded by Foundation for Polish Science
V.2015 Laureate of „Young Researchers of IPC PAS 2015” competition
IV.2015 Finalist of FameLab 2015 Poland
XI.2014 3rd Award INTER 2014 by Foundation for Polish Science
X.2014 Four medals (Glory Medal, Gold Medal and two Silver Medals) during 8th International Warsaw Invention Show IWIS 2014
VII.2014 3rd degree Wojciech Swiętosławski Award by Polish Chemical Society
VI.2014 Laureate of „Young Chemists of IPC PAS 2014” competition
VI.2014 Recipient of START 2014 scholarship awarded by Foundation for Polish Science
IV.2014 Silver Medal during 42nd International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva, Switzerland
III.2014 Winner of “Student – Inventor” competition organized by Kielce University of Technology
20.X.2013 Winner of Scientific Award 2013 competition of the Polityka magazine
V.2013 Laureate of „Young Chemists of IPC PAS 2013” competition
IV.2013 TOP500 Innovators programme (by Ministery of Science and Higher Education) participant
X.2012 Winner of EDUinspiracje 2012 contest
5.XII.2009 Honorary member of Scientific Association of Chemists at Adam Mickiewicz University
1.X.2009 Adam Mickiewicz University Award for the best grad student
30.IX.2009 Magna Cum Laude medal, Department of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University
IX.2008 – VI.2009 Minister of Science and Higher Education of Poland Scholarship
I.2008 – X.2008 Kulczyk Family Foundation Scholarship
VI.2008 – IX.2008 Scholarship for researchers from abroad, Lund (Sweden)
IX.2007 – VI.2008 Minister of Science and Higher Education of Poland Scholarship
IX.2005 – VI.2009 Scientific Scholarship founded by Department of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University
Participant of over 40 conferences, among others:
09-13.VII.2018 Viruses of Microbes, Wrocław, Poland
15-18.IX.2015 European Materials Research Society Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, invited talk
17.V.2014 Symbioza symposium, Warsaw, Poland, plenary lecture
15-19.IX.2013 International Soft Matter Conference 2013, Rome (Italy)
12.IX.2013 Taiwan-Poland Workshop on Material Research, Warsaw, Poland, invited talk
23.VI-27.VI.2013 87th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Riverside, CA, (USA) (oral presentation)
16.VI-19.VI.2013 3rd Summer Symposium on Nanomaterials and their application in Biology and Medicine, Poznań (Poland), invited talk
28.II-1.III.2013 ERC meeting, Vienna (Austria)
10th-14th.VII.2012 ICOMF14, Paris (France)
24th-29th.VI.2012 NanoSEA, Cagliari (Italy) (oral presentation)
19th.X.2011, KORANET, Seoul (South Korea)
22nd-26th.III.2011, 13th JCF Frühjahrssymposium”, Erlangen (Germany) (oral presentation)
5th-10th.IX.2010, 24th European Colloid and Surface Science Conference, Prague (Czech Republic)