DSc Jan Paczesny, associate professor
2023 - deputy director for scientific affairs at the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS
2022 - associate professor at the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS
2016 - 2018 post doc with Professor Bartosz Grzybowski, IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter, South Korea
2013 Visiting Scholar within TOP500 Innovators programme at UC Berkeley
2009 - 2012 PhD student under supervision of Professor Robert Holyst, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Science
2008 Junior Researcher, Biomedical Centrum, Section for Infection medicine, Lund University (Sweden), Professor Bo Akerstrom
2004 - 2009 MSc student under supervision of Professor Bernard Juskowiak, Department of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University
Konrad Giżyński, PhD
2016 - Assistant Professor at Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS
2015 - 2016 Postdoc at Institute for Basic Science UNIST, Ulsan, South Korea
2010-2015 Assistant and doctoral student at Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences
X.2013 - XII.2013 Research visit at Institute of Computer Science, Friedrich SchillerUniversity in Jena, Germany
V.2012 - VII.2012 Research visit at Institute of Computer Science,Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany
I.2012 - III.2012 Research visit at Kyoto University, Japan.
2008-2010 Java developer in One2Tribe
Hossein Maleki-Ghaleh, PhD Eng.
2023 – post doc with Professor Jan Paczesny, Living Materials Group, Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, within OPUS 2022/45/B/ST5/01500 "Antiviral nanoparticles and polymers to selectively fight phage infections without harming bacteria and eukaryotic cells".
2022 -2023 Associate Researcher Professor, Advanced Materials and Process Engineering Research Institute, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran
2019 - 2021 post doc with Professor Khosro Adibkia, Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran
2015 - 2019 PhD student under supervision of Professor Jafar Khalil-Allafi, Research Center for Advanced Materials, Faculty of Materials Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran
2010-2012 MSc student under supervision of Professor Jafar Khalil-Allafi, Research Center for Advanced Materials, Faculty of Materials Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran
Main projects:
Novel antiviral agents, synthesis, characterization, biological activity.
Rafał Zbonikowski, MSc Eng.
PhD student witin OPUS 2019/35/B/ST5/03229 “Dynamic and responsive Langmuir-Blodgett films” project.
Main projects:
Dynamic Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett films.
Sada Raza, MSc
PhD student.
Sada is a graduate in Plant Sciences from University of Delhi and holds a Masters in Biotechnology from Amity University. Born in India and raised in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, she has traveled extensively and holds a deep understanding of the flora and fauna across the Asian Subcontinent. Sada has worked in the field of sustainability and conservation; with projects like Bio-Fuel Production from Algal Species and Evolutionary Genome sequencing of critically endangered plant species of the Himalayan region at the premiere Forest Research Institute of India (FRI Dehradun). The Indian Railways which is the third largest Rail Network in the World has benefited from her expertise through her work as a Quality Controller.
Main projects:
Deactivation of viruses.
Enkhlin Ochirbat, MSc Eng.
PhD student within Preludium Bis project.
Main projects: Development of a comprehensive bacteria detection procedure: the creation of a sensor and development of new protocols for sample preparation and deposition.
Previously worked within Sonata Bis 7 2017/26/E/ST4/00041 and OPUS 13 2017/25/B/ST7/02232.
2019-2021 MSc. Eng in Applied biotechnology, Department of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology. Supervisors: Prof. Elżbieta Malinowska and dr. Jan Paczesny, Received NAWA scholarship.
2016-2019 BSc in Biotechnology, Department of Genetics, Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Łódź. Supervisor: Katarzyna Hnatuszko-Konka. Received NAWA scholarship.
Main projects:
Sensing and phage adsorption.
Bartosz Kamiński, MSc
PhD student within OPUS 2022/45/B/ST5/01500 "Antiviral nanoparticles and polymers to selectively fight phage infections without harming bacteria and eukaryotic cells".
Main projects:
Novel antiviral agents, synthesis, characterization, biological activity.
Gunjan Tiwari, MSc
PhD student within SONATA 15 2019/35/D/ST5/03613,
“Assembly of particle chains based on dielectrophoretic, magnetic and capillary effects”
Main projects:
Electric field driven processes in physical chemistry.
Natalia Szczepańska, Eng.
PhD student working on out-of-equilibrium functional materials (currently)
Master student working on nanomaterials and their applications (2022-2024)
Alma Mater: Warsaw University of Technology.
Main projects:
Novel antimicrobial coatings.
Mateusz Grotek
As Master student Mateusz is working on materials that compute (2024-2025).
As undergrad student Mateusz was working on antiphagents and antimicrobials (2022-2024).
Alma Mater: Warsaw Military University of Technology.
Main projects:
Antimicrobials, out-of-equilibrium systems, materials that compute
Aleksander Piasecki
Olek is undergrad student working on out-of-equilibrium systems.
Alma Mater: Warsaw University of Technology.
Main projects:
Patterned synthesis of functional materials.
Kaciaryna Rudko
Katia is undergrad student working on sensing systems.
Alma Mater: Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Main projects:
Phage-based systems for bacteria detection
Aleksandra Ferenc-Mrozek, MSc
Former members
Prabhjot Sidhu Singh, PhD
Post doc within OPUS 2019/35/B/ST5/03229 “Dynamic and responsive Langmuir-Blodgett films” project.
Main projects:
Synthesis and characterization of nano-building blocks for dynamic self assembly.
Mateusz Wdowiak
Mateusz obtained PhD degree from IChF PAN (2020 - 2024) and moved to Warsaw University for post-doctoral training.
Mateusz graduated from the Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw. His field of interest is molecular biotechnology with strong emphasis on molecular microbiology and proteomics. He took part in many scientific projects, including the identification of microorganisms by surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS).
Main projects:
Stabilization of viruses.
Iraj Alipourfard, PhD
Post doc within OPUS 2022/45/B/ST5/01500 "Antiviral nanoparticles and polymers to selectively fight phage infections without harming bacteria and eukaryotic cells".
Main projects:
Novel antiviral agents, biological activity.
Witold Adamkiewicz, PhD Eng.
Witold Adamkiewicz graduated from Warsaw University of Technology. He did his PhD at the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS. He was a post doctoral research fellow at Bartosz Grzybowski group in South Korea.
Main projects:
Electric field driven processes in physical chemistry, 2D dynamic self-assembly.
Michał Folga, MSc Eng.
Master student 2022/2023
Amit Patel, MSc
Student within Sonata grant.
Bartłomiej Bończak
2023 - Postdoc, prof. Serena Arnaboldi group, Milan, Italy
2021 - Postdoc, Living Materials group, Department of Physical Chemistry of Biological Systems, IPC PAS
2015 - 2021 Assistant and doctoral student at Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Department of Soft Condensed Matter and Complex Fluids
Pumza Mente, PhD
2021 - 2023 Post doc within OPUS project, Living Materials group, Department of Physical Chemistry of Biological Systems, IPC PAS.
2017 - 2021 University of the Witwatersrand Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Research Tittle: The use of functionalized polymers to make hollow carbon spheres to be used as supports in catalysis.
DSc Nataliia Atamas
Professor Atamas worked with us from April till September 2022.
since 2020 Professor at International European University, European School of Medicine
since 2020 Chief administrative officer The National Research Foundation of Ukraine
since 2017 Senior lecturer at Kiev Medical University, Medical Faculty
since 2001 Senior research scientist, research manager at National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Faculty of Physics
Katarzyn Rudzińska, Eng.
Engineering theiss
supervisor: professor Joanna Cieśla (Warsaw University of Technology)
tutor: MSc Sada Raza
Patryk Mierzejewski, MSc
Patryk A. Mierzejewski graduated from the Faculty of Biology at University of Warsaw. His field of interest is Applied Microbiology with strong emphasis on bacteriophage stability. Since his second year of studies, he has been working with various types of microorganisms and did many internships, in domestic and foreign research facilities such as University of Texas at Dallas or Military Institute of Medicine in Warsaw.
Sunday Ocholis Samson, MSc Eng.
MSc thesis
Supervisor: Professor Elżbieta Malinowska (Warsaw University of Technology)
Tutor: Jan Paczesny, PhD
Anna Sulicka, MSc Eng
MSc thesis
Supervisor: Professor Elżbieta Malinowska (Warsaw University of Technology)
Tutor: Jan Paczesny, PhD
Sylwia Karoń, MSc Eng.
Sylwia defended her MSc thesis on utilization of immunomagnetic particles for multiple deactivation of bacteriophages withe the highest grades.
Supervisor: Professor Elżbieta Malinowska (Warsaw University of Technology)
Tutor: Jan Paczesny, PhD
Karolina Paszkowska, MSc Eng.
Karolina Księżarczyk, MSc
Aleksandra Borkenhagen, MSc Eng.
PhD student in Professor Lewinski group at the IPC PAS since October 2019
MSc Eng., Warsaw University of Technology
supervisor Małgorzata Wolska-Pietkiewicz, PhD (Professor Lewiński group)
tutor Jan Paczesny, PhD
Łukasz Richter, Phd Eng.
Post doc fellow in Professor Stellacci group at EPFL in Switzerland since August 2019.
PhD defended on 13th of June 2019,
supervisor Professor Robert Hołyst, supporting supervisor Jan Paczesny, PhD
II.2018 - III.2018 Research internship in Professor Francesco Stellacci group, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
II.2017 - III.2017 Research internship in Professor Carlos Drummond group, Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, University of Bordeaux (France)
X.2009 - IX.2014 MSc Eng., Biotechnology (Industrial Biotechnology), Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology, Supervisor Professor Elżbieta Malinowska, tutor Jan Paczesny, PhD.
V.2012 - XII.2012 Internship Department of Hybrid Microbiosystem Engineering, Nałęcz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering PAS, Poland
Jacek Kędzierski, MSc
Jacek was MSc student (Warsaw University) within Sonata Bis grant and defended his thesis on 25th of June 2019 on "In silico analysis of thermal stability of bacteriophages"
supervisor Professor Ewa Górecka
tutor: Jan Paczesny, PhD
Kinga Matuła, PhD Eng.
Kinga has been working at Radbound University in group of Professor Huck in Nijmegen, Netherlands, since 2018 as post doc.
PhD defended in February 2019,
supervisor Professor Robert Hołyst, supporting supervisor Jan Paczesny, PhD
Kinga obtained her MSc and Eng. degrees from Rzeszów University of Technology in 2013
Krzysztof Bielec, PhD
Post doc at EPFL, Switzerland.
Krzysztof obtained his PhD under supervision of Robert Hołyst on analysls of diffusion and aggregation using optical microscopy.
He defended his MSc in 2016 at Jagiellonian University, but the work was done in the IPC PAS under the supervision of Łukasz Richter, PhD.